Screen Prank

  1. Screen Prank Website
  2. Screen Prank Tv

Is leg Pulling and Teasing your Part Time Job in life. Does Doing Pranks on Your friends at school or office lighten up your day. You can Try these Harmless computer pranks on your Friends, but chances are, he will get so irritated, he will never try to use his or her pc when you are around or will definitely lock his Computer with the longest known most complex password of all time. You can use these computer pranks to impress your friends using notepad or bat file.

Here Goes the List of coolest computer pranks of all time in your windows pc.

Prank your friends with this amazing app! - Instructions to activate the prank: To setup your prank, click on the “smash icon” placed in the upper left corner of the screen. Set up the modality you want the prank to work and hand the device over to someone. You can choose between two different options to trigger the prank: Time. Broken Screen Prank Broken Screen Prank is a classic funny app used to prank your friends. When you touch your phone screen, the app simulates the cracked screen and loud cracking sounds on your phone. It looks like you use your finger to break and crack your phone. Prank Broken Screen is just a prank/simulated app used for fun. ‎HOW IT WORKS 1. 'Turn off' your phone (but not really) The prank is most effective if your audience believes your phone is turned off. To help convince your audience of this, the app displays a fake “power-off” screen. This screen looks like your iPhone’s real power-off screen, but when you “slide. Crack screen prankcrack screen prank on phone, crack screen prank on laptop, crack screen prank wallpaper, crack screen prank 1 hour, crack screen prank 24 h.


Its His PC, Just Make it Large

Just Press WindowsButton and then keeping the windows button pressed , Just press + Button 3-4 times.

If you wanna add salt to it, Just Press CTRL+Alt+I . This will make his screen look horrible and compromised.

Rescue Method – To get back things to Normal Again, Just press CTRL + Alt + Iagain , and then press Windows Key and keeping it pressed, Just press key 2-3 times.

Prank all your Facebook Friends at Once


Post a status update on your profile page saying this …

Guys help me in Blocking this profile …

Now, Whoever will click on that profile will be redirected to his own profile and will definitively in panic thinking why the hell on earth you want to do that. This is one of the best prank on internet.

Erase OO from Google. Magic Trick

Another great computer prank you can play on your friend on a pc connected to internet.

Now for doing this trick , Just go this link.

Step 1# Click anywhere on the page.

Step 2 # Now Place two fingers on the two O of Google logo and start rubbing it. Rub it for at least 2 seconds.

Screen Prank Website

Step3 # Woof! Its Gone

Note: Actually the two OO disappear exactly 3 seconds after your click.

Just Freeze The Desktop

For doing this prank , just Go to desktop and Press the Print Screen Button. Now open Paint and paste it (Ctrl+V). Save this image anywhere. Now, do a right click on it and set as Desktop Background.

Now Go to your desktop, and Un-check the option Show Desktop Icons.

Now, Be ready to see your friend clicking randomly and then checking his mouse again and again.

Virus Detected, Formatting your Hard Drive Prank

This is an awesome computer prank using notepad. Just copy the codes below and save it as photos.vbs. You can name it as leaked pics.vbs or you can name it with the name of his personal folder also , hiding his personal folder elsewhere.

Save it as photos.vbs or you can save it as chrome.vbs.

Now You have to change the icon to a reliable looking folder or browser icon.

For changing the icon, First of all create a shortcut, now rename it again and now change the icon.

you can also hide file extensions to make it look more reliable one.

Rescue Method – Not required. You may delete the file.

Make his PC look like a Haunted Place

You can use this prank on your friend when he is away from his computer. Just do a Shift + Alt + Print Screen. The best thing is that it can be done even when the screen is locked.

Rescue Method – do a Shift + Alt + Print Screen again.

Change Input Language

This is one of the best and easy computer prank i use on a windows pc. In windows PC click on language icon on the taskbar. Change the language preference to a foreign language.

Rescue Operation – Just change the input languages again by same method.

Block His Favorite Websites on His PC

1. Just Go to C:WindowsSystem32driversetc in your PC.

2. Copy hosts file and paste it on your desktop.

3. Right click and open copied file on desktop in Notepad.

Screen Prank

4. Now add these two lines in the host file at the end. Replace websitename with the favorite website of your friend.

5. Save the file.

6. Now, copy this edited file.

6. Go to C:WindowsSystem32driversetc again and paste this file to replace original hosts file.

Screen Prank Tv

Now, whenever he will try to open his website, it will be blocked.

Rescue Operation: Just delete the line again to get back things to normal.

Fork Bomb His PC

Save the following code given below in prank.bat

Run prank.bat file and then see the magic. The CMD screen will start flooding the monitor. The operation will continue until his PC crashes as it will eventually run out of memory. It will not affect his computer, so do not worry.

Rescue – Force shutdown the computer with shutdown button.

Blue Screen of Death Screen saver

Install a Blue screen of Death screen saver in his absence and let him think that his PC has crashed.

Make his PC Shut Down Every Time he starts his Browser

Right Click on the browser and go to property and edit target as:

%windir%system32shutdown.exe -r -t 00

see More:101 Computer / Internet Tricks

Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.

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