Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar

  1. Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Download
  2. Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Windows 10
  3. Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Google Chrome
  4. Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar
  5. Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Chrome
Hi, sugapablo.
Icons on the right side of the Apple menu bar, other than the Spotlight icon, are known as menu extras.
You can't directly add application icons to the menu bar. The Dock or the Finder Sidebar are where you should place icons for frequently-needed applications. See:
• <a href=''>'Ma c OS X 10.4 Help: Adding items to the Dock.'
• 'Mac OS X: About the Dock.'
• 'Mac OS X 10.4 Help: Organizing the sidebar in a Finder window.'
You can launch applications via the menu bar through the Scripts menu extra.
1. Launch the AppleScript Utility, which is found in the Macintosh HD > Applications > AppleScript folder.
2. Select:
• 'Show Script Menu in menu bar.' This places the Scripts menu extra in the menu bar. It looks like a scroll of paper being partially unrolled.
• In 'Show application scripts', select 'top.'
3. Add aliases to applications you want to use frequently to the the Macintosh HD > Library > Scripts folder. If you do not know how to create an alias, see:
• Mac OS X: How to Make an Alias.
• 'Mac OS X 10.4 Help: Creating an alias.'
You can then launch the applications whose aliases you've added to that folder by selecting them from the Scripts menu in the menu bar.
You can also create a new folder in the Macintosh HD > Library > Scripts folder, e.g. call it 'Apps' and place the aliases to applications within such to better organize where the aliases reside. Mousing over the Apps folder in the Scripts menu will display a secondary menu showing the aliases to applications you've added therein.
Note that there are a variety of third-party applications, such as launchers, that can be added to the menu bar that will enable you to launch applications from the menu bar. However, one should be very careful with these for the following reason: Apple reserves that area for their own use, and they state so in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. In the chapter on Menus, in the section on Menu Bar Extras, they write:
'Reserved for use by Apple, the right side of the menu bar may contain items that provide feedback on and access to certain hardware or network settings..
Important: Don’t create your own menu bar extras. Use the Dock menu functions to open a menu from your application’s icon in the Dock.'
Accordingly, developers should not be creating or requiring their own menu extras. Third-party menu extras have often become problematic after Mac OS X Updates as they use hacks, like MenuCracker, to load their menu extra. Changes in the OS introduced by Mac OS X Updates can render third-party menu extras incompatible.
Good luck!
😉 Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Download

Sep 14, 2006 5:24 AM

How to create ActionBar/Toolbar and Menu in Android Android22.07.2016

Bartender 2 is that app. It basically provides a second menu bar for when your Mac's menu bar starts to feel crowded. For an in-depth look at Bartender 2, read use Bartender to supercharge your. However you can actually split you action bar(in 4.0+ versions or older usingmActionBarSherlock). By splitting action bar, menu will appear in both top and button like this:. If this is what you want: Follow this link. UPDATE: I found another option! If you want menu like this Google Play If you want these overflow 3 dot icons: Follow this link.

There are two kind of bar with control items in activity

  • ActionBar is action control bar or navigation bar you usually see at the top of an app, it usually has an app logo icon on the left, name of the current screen next to the logo, and other menu list on the right. To use actionbar, you don’t have to define an actionbar in the layout file which is handy but it deosn’t give you much flexibilities when you want to do some customizations in the actionbar, such as adding background image, animations, place the actionbar on the bottom instead on the top.
  • Toolbar does evertying you can do with ActionBar, and gives you the freedom to do customiztions that you can’t do easily with ActionBar.

You can use either old ActionBar (without any declarations in XML) or define in activity layout and customize it look and events (more coding in this way).

Descargar jumpstart y wps pin. ActionBar example

Let's look at ActionBar and it's parameters. Insert following lines in onCreate method and you'll get ActionBar with icon

Toolbar example

Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Windows 10

ToolBar was introduced in Android Lollipop, API 21 release and is the successor of the ActionBar. It's a ViewGroup that can be placed anywhere in your XML layouts. ToolBar's appearance and behavior can be more easily customized than the ActionBar.

There are two ways to use Toolbar

  1. Use a Toolbar as an ActionBar when you want to use the existing ActionBar facilities (such as menu inflation and selection, ActionBarDrawerToggle, and so on) but want to have more control over its appearance.
  2. Use a standalone Toolbar when you want to use the pattern in your app for situations that an ActionBar would not support; for example, showing multiple toolbars on the screen, spanning only part of the width, and so on.

So, you should replace ActionBar with ToolBar if you want the flexibilities that comes with the Toolbar (adding background image, animations, place the actionbar on the bottom instead on the top and so on). Note that the ActionBar continues to work and if all you need is a static bar at the top that can host icons and a back button, then you can safely continue to use ActionBar.

To use Toolbar as an ActionBar, first ensure the AppCompat-v7 support library is added to your application build.gradle (Module:app) file

Second, let's disable the theme-provided ActionBar. The easiest way is to have your theme extend from Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar (or the light variant) within the res/styles.xml file

Add spark app to top menu bar download

Now lets talk about the color scheme for our project, as you can see from the image below, there are attributes which you can set to get a basic color scheme of your App done, right now we are just dealing we App bar so we would talk about colorPrimary and colorPrimaryDark. colorPrimary as the name says is the primary color of your App and the App bar while with the colorPrimaryDark you can set the color of the status bar to a certain color.

Next, you need to add a Toolbar to your Activity layout file. Below I place the Toolbar at the top of a LinearLayout like the standard ActionBar

Next, in your Activity or Fragment, set the Toolbar to act as the ActionBar by calling the setSupportActionBar(Toolbar) method

Adding items to ActionBar or Toolbar

Menus are typically created in resource files using XML but they are stored in the res/menu directory though they can also be created in code. To create a menu resource, use the <menu> element.

The <item> element defines each individual menu item and is enclosed in the <menu> element. A basic menu item looks as follows

The most common <item> attributes are the following

  • id, this is the standard resource identifier;
  • title, this indicates the text to display;
  • icon, this is a draw-able resource;
  • showAsAction, this controls how the menu item is shown;
  • enabled, this is enabled by default.

The showAsAction attribute controls how the menu item is shown. The options include the following:

  • ifRoom, this menu item should be included in the Action Bar if there's enough space;
  • withText, this indicates that both the title and the icon should be shown;
  • never, this indicates that the menu item should never be included in the Action Bar;
  • always, this indicates that the menu item should be always included in the Action Bar.

First, we will add a string resource to the strings.xml file for the menu title. Start by opening the /res/values/strings.xml file and add the following <string> element to the <resources> element <string name='menu_email'>EMail</string>

Create a new file in the res/menu directory (right click on res - New - Android resource directory) and call it menu_main.xml.

Open the menu_main.xml file and add the following XML to define the menu

Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Google Chrome

With the menu now created, we just have to override the onCreateOptionsMenu() method in our activity to inflate the menu

Add the following method to the application to see a Toast when the EMail menu is selected

If you want to show icon in overflow menu use following snippet

Creating sub menus

Sub menus are created and accessed in almost exactly the same manner as other menu elements and can be placed in any of the provided menus, although they cannot be placed within other sub menus. To define a sub menu, include a <menu> element within an <item> element.

Here is the XML form this recipe with two sub menu items added

Grouping menu items

Another menu feature that Android supports is grouping menu items. Android provides several methods for groups, including the following

  • setGroupVisible() show or hide all items;
  • setGroupEnabled() enable or disable all items;
  • setGroupCheckable() set the checkable behavior.

Android will keep all grouped items with showAsAction='ifRoom' together. This means all items in the group with showAsAction='ifRoom' will be in the Action Bar or all items will be in the overflow.

To create a group, add the <item> menu elements to a <group> element. Here is an example using the menu XML from this recipe with two additional items in a group

Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar

Custom title

A Toolbar is just a decorated ViewGroup and as a result, the title contained within can be completely customized by embedding a view within the Toolbar such as:

This means that you can style the TextView like any other. You can access the TextView inside your activity with:

Note that you must hide the default title using setDisplayShowTitleEnabled. This results in:

How to change color of menu in Toolbar

How to add back button to Toolbar

Android context menu example

First, define main activity layout

Second, describe context menu items

Third, define events and action in MainActivity class

onCreateContextMenu called when a context menu for the view is about to be shown. Unlike onCreateOptionsMenu, this will be called every time the context menu is about to be shown and should be populated for the view (or item inside the view for AdapterView subclasses, this can be found in the menuInfo).

onContextItemSelected hook is called whenever an item in a context menu is selected. The default implementation simply returns false to have the normal processing happen. You can use this method for any items for which you would like to do processing without those other facilities.

Toolbar example in Kotlin

Following is MainActivity.kt file.

Following is activity_main.xml file.

Following is toolbar_menu.xml file.


Popup menu with icons example in Kotlin

Following is MainActivity.kt file.

Following is activity_main.xml file.

Following is popup_menu.xml file.

Toolbat with title and icons

File MainActivity.kt

File activity_main.xml

Add Spark App To Top Menu Bar Chrome

File toolbar.xml

Useful links