From the same website, download the dynamic library file called libaacs.dll to the AACS folder, too. If you can’t download the files directly to your AACS folder, download them to another location such as your desktop, and then drag them into the folder. Please notice that there are two different files of AACS dynamic library available at a Windows-based computer, and you should download the 32bit file for VLC 32bit, and 64bit file for VLC 64bit. Go to 'C: ProgramData', create a new folder in it and name it 'aacs'. After that, place your downloaded 'KEYDB.cfg' file into it. Create a folder and name it “aacs” (no quotations) Place the KEYDB.cfg file in this folder directly from the unzipped Blu-ray playback addon pack. Step 3: Download and place AACS dynamic library. For Windows 8 32bit, Windows 10 32bit, free download the 32bit AACS dynamic library. Then put the file in your VLC directory. Blu-ray error: This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///D:/'. Check the log for details. I'm running Windows 7. Suggestions greatly appreciated, since this is getting frustrating. Techster, Nov 9, 2013.
Aacs Dynamic Library File
On some Windows 8 reviews, like many other publications that got their information from Microsoft, originally reported that the Media Center and Pro Pack contain codecs for both DVD and Blu-ray movie playback. This is false. They only facilitate DVD playback, not Blu-ray. The quote most sites are referencing comes from Microsoft’s blog. And, like most of the official Windows 8 pre-release literature, it contains ambiguous language regarding what’s actually included in Windows 8:
“Windows Media Player will continue to be available in all editions, but without DVD playback support. For optical discs playback on new Windows 8 devices, we are going to rely on the many quality solutions on the market, which provide great experiences for both DVD and Blu-ray.”
Further down, in the same blog post, are the actual contents of the Media Center and Pro Pack:
“…Media Center, including DVD playback (in Media Center, not in Media Player), broadcast TV recording and playback (DBV-T/S, ISDB-S/T, DMBH, and ATSC), and VOB file playback.”
Again, the Media Center Pack does not include codecs for Blu-ray playback.
So you may look for a free way to play Blu-ray discs movie on Windows 8, so VLC media player will be the best way to play Blu-Ray in Windows 8 64-bit or Windows 8 32 bit for free.
To better support Blu-Ray playback in Windows 8, VideoLAN and the VLC development team present the fifth version of “Twoflower” which is VLC 2.0.4. The a major updated VLC 2.0.4 introduces an important number of fixes and improvements especially for Blu-Ray under Windows 8. However, for legal reasons, AACS and BD+ DRM libraries and keys still are not shipped.
Aacs Dynamic Library Files Free
This article will guide you to download and place the AACS and BD+ DRM libraries and keys in order to play Blu Ray on Windows 8 with VLC for Free.
Step 1: Install the latest nightly of VLC 2.0: Go to: VideoLan,then download the latest version for your system.
Step 2: Download the Blu-ray playback addon pack from: here, and install the Key file from addon pack – “KEYDB.cfg”
Windows 8 – [place in folder named “aacs” located in appdata directory]
* Open your user area (start->”your username”)
* Enable view hidden files and folders (Organise->Folder and Search Options->View{tab} and select “show hidden files…”->select ok)
* Open “AppData” directory
* Create a folder and name it “aacs” {no quotations}
* Place the KEYDB.cfg file in this folder directly from the unzipped Blu-ray playback addon pack.
Step 3: Download Install AACS dynamic library for VLC to use:
Windows 8 32bit: put that file in your VLC directory
Windows 8 64bit: put that file in your VLC directory
Windows 8 – [Place in VLC program directory]
* Open “Computer”
* Open “Local Disk (C:)”
* Open “Program Files” [Or “Program Files (x86)” if running 64bit]
* Navigate to “VLC” directory
* Move appropriate file from unzipped Blu-ray playback addon pack to this directory (file located in “aacs/windows 32″ directory in pack)
Now, you can easily play Blu-Ray disc with VLC on Windows 8 64-bit or Windows 8 32 bit for free. Note: VLC 2.0 still doesn’t have menu support yet.
Tip: If VLC still can’t help you play Blu-ray disc movie on Windows 8, you need a third party software to help you. You can get a Blu-ray Player for Windows 8(Only $45 for Lifetime) to play Blu-ray movies on windows 8 directly with Blu-ray effect. Or you can hire a Blu-ray Ripper for Windows 8(Only $59 for Lifetime)to rip and transcode Blu-ray discs to WMV/AVI/MPG/MPEG/MOV/MKV/MP4 etc for playing on Windows 8 PC or multimedia players.
Discussion in 'Software' started by gman863, Feb 4, 2013.
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